Advertisement for BTS Secretary

Posted 02 August 2014 by Robert Sheldrake

The BTS is looking for a new Secretary to replace Geoff Wolmark, who is stepping down from this position at the October, 2015 AGM.

The key tasks of this unpaid position are as follows. Please note that not all of these tasks will be the sole responsibility of the Secretary, all of the time, as the Committee members work collaboratively and support each other when work and other commitments require this.

Administer Board of Trustees[BoT] (Committee)

• prepare agenda

• take notes/minutes

• follow-up actions from meetings

• liaise with Board of Advisors and Regional Reps

• act as focal point for internal communication, circulate Trustees with info, ask for responses, collate responses

• delegate tasks to BoT members, keep them involved

• prepare AGM agenda and take notes at meeting

• follow up actions from AGM with BoT

• prepare and submit annual reports to the Charity Commissioners in line with legislation

Liaison with Membership Manager/Bookkeeper

• take membership issues to BoT

• sign cheques when Treasurer is not available

• bank money from events

• respond to web enquiries and liaise with Membership Manager and Webmaster

Events preparation

• prepare and print materials, attendance details, finance forms, child protection policy, application forms,       magazines, CDs etc

• send materials and banners to event organiser if Secretary not attending

• prepare music for events, if needed

• invite traders, if organiser requires this

• ensure BoT presence at events

Support BTS President

• lighten the load


• act as lead person for Charity Commissioners

• ensure accounts are audited and returns made on time

• act as 'guardian of charitable purpose'. Ensure all activity is appropriate and legal.

Data protection

• act as Data Protection Officer.

Essential qualifications

• tact and diplomacy

• thick skin

• enthusiasm for all things trombone

• computer literate

• organised and thorough

• able to devote enough time to the role

• must have a reliable computer and separate file storage for data security

Desirable qualifications

• car owner

• have an understanding and sympathetic partner/family

• good command of language, spelling and grammar

• experience of working on committees

• motivator

• have storage space for all sorts of BTS material, magazines, CDs, banners etc

For an informal chat about this position, please either phone the current Secretary on 01377 202 209 or any member of the Board of Trustees (contact details are on the 'About' section of this site)

Formal applications should be emailed to the BTS President, Christian Jones, outlining why you think you are suitable for this position, as soon as possible.

There will be a period of joint working to allow the new Secretary to 'learn the ropes'. The length of this induction period will be mutually agreed.

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