Brett’s 1000 Trombones Birthday Bash
Posted 02 February 2013 by Robert Sheldrake

BTS Past President Brett Baker will celebrate his 40th birthday with a recital in Bristol Cathedral on Tuesday 2 July. As part of the celebrations he invites any trombone players to play in the recital at 1:00pm with a rehearsal at the Cathedral at 11:00am. Before the massed choir, Brett will play a couple of items with accompanist Ruth Webb.
Brett states
"my aim is to get 1000 trombone players to the Cathedral, so please mention it to as many people as you can, I have several leading composers interested in writing mass trombone pieces for the recital including Richard Rock from Salford University, Will Gregory and Liz Lane who aim to use the space in the Cathedral in an exciting and unique way. I thought rather than have a party this is one way we can bring players from all over the country together to play in a fantastic acoustic and have a bit of a celebration afterwards."
Please register your interest by e-mailing [email protected].