BTS Bursaries Announced
Posted 17 April 2019 by Robert Sheldrake

Annual Bursary Now Open!
The BTS is pleased to announce that applications are now open for the Annual Bursary.
Click here to go to the Bursaries Page.
Applications for funds up to £250 open on May 1st each year and close on 31st August. Successful applicants will be notified as soon as possible after the closing date.
The British Trombone Society administers the fund, which has been established to help any Member of the Society in need of financial assistance.
All applications will be considered and grants are to be awarded for anything trombone related. This includes, instrument purchases, sheet music, commissions, events and music courses.
The BTS has the right to administer multiple bursaries in any given year.
All information supplied will be confidential to the committee of the British Trombone Society.
Enquiries and completed application forms should be sent to: [email protected]