BTS day in Northants includes AGM

Posted 11 September 2007 by Robert Sheldrake

The popular Oundle trombone day organised by Ben Bouzan returns this year on Sunday 7th October, so do come along, whether you???ve been playing for a month or fifty years! The youngsters taking part will get the benefit of their own massed blow, led by Carol Jarvis, and will rehearse for a performance of a specially commissioned piece, suitable for the '5 note brigade' right up to Grade 8 students. For not-so-youngsters there will plenty of blowing too. Large trombone choir Trombonanza have been booked to perform and Ben is hopeful to have jazz and classical performances too. As usual the trade stands will be available, and the BTS will hold its Annual General Meeting during the late morning. Registration is at 9.30am and the event kicks off at 10.00am, all in the Great Hall, Oundle School, near Peterborough. 09:30 ??? 10:00??Registration, Tea, Coffee and Biscuits: the day is free to BTS Members and to those who join the BTS on the day; ??10 to Non-BTS Members participating; Free to under 18's and the viewing Public. 10:00 ??? 11:30??Warm-up and Massed Blow for over 18s: Bob Hughes, our President, has very kindly again agreed to take this momentous part of the day in the Main Hall, where he will take you from cold to sizzling through exercises and a fantastic selection of Trombone Choir material. This will be challenging stuff, but not too challenging! 10:00 ??? 11:30 Warm-up and Massed Blow for under 18s and over 18s: Carol Jarvis has very kindly agreed to take this group which has had a piece especially arranged for them. It covers every level of playing ability from the 5-note brigade to the seasoned Grade 8er and beyond. Adults are more than welcome to join in with this group if you find the adult blow to daunting! You are more than welcome! 11:30 ??? 12:00 Break and Trade Stands 12:00 ??? 13:00 AGM and Continuation of under 18s Massed Blow: while the younger generation continue learning and practising their piece, we will be holding the British Trombone Society Annual General Meeting in the Great Hall. All Members are welcome and we sincerely hope that you attend to find out what we have done, what we are planning to do and also to find out what you think! 13:00 ??? 14:00????Lunch and Trade Stands: you can bring along your own packed lunch if you wish, but there is a Tesco Metro and Co-Op in the town if you would like to purchase sandwiches etc. There is also a fish and chip shop and two pubs in the town centre if you fancy a beer with your lunch! Please note that tea, coffee and water will be available throughout the day. 14:00 ??? 15:15 Youngsters' Concert and Master Class: the under 18s Massed Choir will perform their piece to the rest of us and will be followed by 4 ??? 5 Younger players performing to us in a master class led by Carol Jarvis and Brett Baker. This promises to be fantastic and prove to us that there is no fear of our beloved instrument dropping away! 15:15 ??? 15:30 Short Break 15:30 ??? 16:00 An Audience with Bob Hughes: Bob will be interviewed in front of us??? you'll have to wait until the day for the rest! 16:00 ??? 16:30 Break and Trade Stands 16:30 ??? 17:30??Trombonanza 17:30 ??? 18:00 Final Massed Blow

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