BTS Scotland day details

Posted 07 May 2007 by Robert Sheldrake

Coming up this Sunday, 13th May, is the BTS Scotland event featuring Bones Apart and Mike Suter (ex-Stan Kenton Band bass trombone wizard), plus a whole lot more! Provisional timetable: 1.00pm Event opens: Scottish Professional Showcase Contributions from Scotland's pro players, featuring 'Slide Effect' Scotland's own pro trombone quartet. 2.00pm Scottish Student Showcase - hear the best of the RSAMD student trombonists. 3.00pm Slide Rule - Adrian Drover's legendary trombone group 4.00pm Bones Apart - workshop for young trombonists. Help from the very best trombonists. 5.00pm Massed trombone rehearsal conducted by Bob Hughes - everybody's chance to join in and get ready for the evening blow, with direction from the LSO legend. 7.30pm Evening Event, featuring Bones Apart, Mike Suter with the RSAMD Big Band, with massed blow, and mystery items! Everything is free! Yes, every bit of the day! Be there... Chris Stearn BTS Scotland rep

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