Caecilia-Concert CD
Posted 17 April 2006 by Robert Sheldrake

The Caecilia-Concert have just released their debut CD, on which British sackbut specialist Adam Woolf can be heard. This Netherlands-based early music group has a unique core of three wind instruments - cornett, sackbut and dulcian, with keyboard continuo, and they perform works from across 17th century Europe. This release, entitled 'Treasury of a Saint' features virtuoso solo, duo and trio music for voices and instruments, composed for different strands of the 17th century church. The composers include: Selma, Sweelinck, Buchner, Bertoli, Fontana, Nicolai, Cima, Cesare, Rosenmüller, Bäddecker, Cabanilles, Bovicelli, Ferro, Rognoni, Padbru? and Hollanders. The CD is available from the Caecilia-Concert website for €18.50 + €43.00 p&p.
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