Errata: BTS/Salvation Army event, Bromley
Posted 03 January 2012 by Robert Sheldrake
Unfortunately the latest issue of the Trombonist contains a couple of errors relating to the March 2012 BTS/Salvation Army event in Bromley. First, the date should be 24 March 2012 (not 26 March). Second is to do with the entrance fees for the day, which should be £5.00 to BTS Members (including for evening festival) or £10.00 for non-members (including for evening festival).
The optional hot lunch is £5.00, bookable in advance. Alternatively, Bromley town centre is nearby if you would prefer to avail yourself of local amenities. Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
The Evening Festival commences at 6.30pm and costs £5.00 (excluding those having already paid for the full day).
The venue is Bromley Methodist Church, College Road, Bromley, Kent BR1 3NS.
All details are on the Bromley Trombone Workshop website.