Faber Music Launches Trombone Basics

Trombone Basics is a landmark method by two leading figures in music education, Paul Harris and trombonist Jonny Watkins. Comprising pupil’s tutor book, free downloadable accompaniment parts and online audio, Trombone Basics provides everything you need to get playing.
This book starts at absolute beginner level and progresses to about Grade 2. It contains:
- a wide range of repertoire, including classical and traditional favourites
- warmups and fun original exercises to help develop a sound technique
- invaluable fact files, activities and technical advice covering notation, general musicianship and care of the instrument
- helpful position diagrams and rhythm boxes
- downloadable accompaniments (piano and trombone duet parts) available online
Treble Clef Edition: https://www.fabermusic.com/shop/trombone-basics-treble-clef-edition-p472581
Bass Clef Edition: https://www.fabermusic.com/shop/trombone-basics-bass-clef-edition-p472553