Foxy Dots Music

Posted 21 January 2021 by Robert Sheldrake


The wonderful Foxy Dots Music is offering a 10% discount to BTS members off any purchases.

"Brace Yourself for Brass" is a book for brass players whose budding career has been temporarily thwarted by an orthodontist. Brace Yourself for Brass is a collection of eight intermediate to advanced solo pieces written specifically for brass players with braces. The jazz style tunes are deliberately written in the low register and focus on finger technique and rhythm. Brace Yourself for Brass enables students to carry on playing music at their technical ability without having to negotiate notes in the upper register. So, instead of students putting their playing career on hold while their teeth are straightened, Brace Yourself for Brass enables players to continue on with interesting and challenging music.

Following on from the popularity of 'Brace Yourself for Brass' Foxy Dots Music is pleased to announce the release of The Honking Horns Collection.
More music written for brass students with braces, this time set in the context of a red hot horn section.

The Honking Horns Collection includes:
1st part - play the melodies and take the lead
2nd part - support the lead and take some solos
Fresh downloadable recordings of the music, with the ability to mute the part you are playing available from the Foxy Dots Music website for the introductory price of £10 +P&P until the end of January."

Click here to go to the Foxy Dots website.

Click here to go to the login page and go to Resources to obtain your discount code.

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