Geoff Wolmark Retires
Posted 18 November 2015 by Robert Sheldrake

At the Annual General Meeting of the Society held last Sunday in the Great Hall of Oundle School, Geoff Wolmark retired as Secretary of the Society.
Geoff has served diligently as Secretary for the last 10 years, beavering away quietly (and not so quietly!) in the background, efficiently running the Society from the wilds of the East Riding of Yorkshire. It is testimony to Geoff's approach to the position that it is taking two people to fill the post as Alison Keep takes over the post of Secretary and Chris Sowerby becomes Administrator, handling some of the secretarial workload in addition to the membership role.
Geoff was thanked by the outgoing President, Christian Jones on behalf of the Committee and Society, and presented with a token for a meal at a Michelin Star restaurant.
Not wishing to "slide" away completely, Geoff remains "at hand" as Librarian and may be contacted at [email protected].
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