Get Some In! The Next BTS Trombone Event Takes Off in March 2019

Posted 29 November 2018 by Robert Sheldrake

20181123 CentralBandTrombones

Photograph © Crown Copyright 2018.

Please Note: Registration for this event has now closed.

A day of workshops, recitals, masterclasses and, of course, the traditional massed blow for all participants. Plus.. the Third BTS Trombone Quartet Competition!

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Featuring Bones Apart and Jon Stokes

Trade Stands

The BTS Trombone Quartet Competition.

Lunch will be available at the Mess for a modest charge.

Venue: RAF Music Services, RAF Northolt, West End Road, Ruislip, London, Middlesex, HA4 6NG (South Gate).

It is essential to pre-register and complete the online questionnaire to gain admittance. Persons arriving without having pre-registered will not be granted admission. This is a requirement of the RAF Police and Ministry of Defence.

Schedule of Events:
08:30 - 09:30: Registration

09:30 - 09:45: Welcome, Introductions and schedule of the day

10:00 - 10:45: Warm Up:

Beginners, Grade 0 - 3
Intermediate, Grade 4 - 6
Advanced, Grade 6+

10:45 - 11.15: BREAK

11:15 - 12:30:
Class 1: ‘A day in the life of an RAF Trombonist’ ensemble playing and demos
Class 2: ‘Playing as an ensemble’ (Grade 6 & under)

Trombone Quartet Competition

12:30 - 13:30: LUNCH (packed lunch or mess)

13:30 - 14:30: Lunchtime Showcase: RAF Trombones/Bones Apart

14:45 - 16:00: Jon Stokes

16.00 - 16:30: BREAK

16:30 - 17:15: Bones Apart

17:15 - 18:00: Massed Ensemble and presentation of competition awards

Click here to obtain your pass or scan the QR Code.

RAF2019 QR Code

Posted in Events, Workshops

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