Howard Hedges in profile
Written By: David Read Comments: 0
American trombonist Howard Hedges, was only 21 when he was appointed bass trombone in the famous Stan Kenton band in 1978. He went on to tour with several major musicals and in backing bands for the likes of Aretha Franklin and Mel Torme. But aged 37 he suffered a massive stroke and was left severely disabled, paralysed on his left side. Last Spring, aged 45 his heart problems worsened, was diagnosed as terminal and finally passed away last week. The Anchorage Daily News has a large article about Hedges' playing heyday, the on-stage pranks he was well loved for, and the support he has now from his community in a small town called Homer, Alaska.
Touring with the show 'Pippin,' he doubled his pay by barking on cue for an unreliable dog.
Read the full article here.
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