Jeremy Price at Oundle
Posted 28 September 2008 by Robert Sheldrake

Update: Ticket prices are reduced now, due to extra funding!
The BTS event in Oundle on Sunday 5th October at Oundle will be preceded by a jazz gig featuring Jeremy Pricethe night before. Organiser Ben Bouzan is encouraging trombonists andfamilies to make the trip more worthwhile and sociable by coming to theSaturday night gig and and staying over for the trombone day on theSunday.
Jeremy Price is Head of Jazz at the Birmingham Conservatoire and isthe BTS Jazz Rep. As a jazz trombonist he has worked with StanSulzmann, Mike Gibbs, Randy Brecker and David Murray. He is author ofJazz education material published by International Music Press and theAssociated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. He is a member of theLondon Jazz Orchestra and has played for London Sinfonietta as well asfor numerous commercial sessions.
Jeremy Price will perform with his rhythm section on the evening ofSaturday 4th October in Oundle School's Great Hall (Northamptonshire).Tickets are free for BTS members and Oundle School Jazz SocietyMembers, £5 for everybody else.
The jazz gig starts at 7.45pm, with doors opening at 7:30pm. Pleasefeel free to bring any refreshments with you, this includes wine andbeer! Please make sure that you clear away any rubbish at the end ofthe evening. Afterwards Ben invites all trombonists to the local pub.
There is a B&B and a hotel in the town: The Ship Inn 01832 273918 (cheapest but only have twins left and not many) and Talbot Hotel 01832 273621. For further accommodation advice, you can contact Ben at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">'+addy_text83074+'<\/a>'; //-->
Details of the trombone day on Sunday 5th October are available here and includes driving directions.
Posted in Latest News