Newark Sackbut course

Posted 20 March 2006 by Robert Sheldrake

This beautiful advert is for a weekend course next month in the Midlands that sackbut players and other early wind instrumenalists may be interested in attending. It is coached by Jamie Savan (cornett) and Adam Woolf (sackbut). Here is some extra info from Adam Woolf:

The course is designed to cover as many aspects of early wind instrument playing as possible. We cover large and small scale church music - both instrumental and choral - this year I hope to feature a late 16th century mass from Venice and play from original notation in 4 choirs (no previous experience needed!) and probably some Gabrieli canzonas. We will probably also play in the church service with the choir (yet to be finalised). We also form a renaissance 'big band' which last year played from the Castle grounds and this year will play from the balcony of the town hall (in a manner as pictured on the attached flyer!) We also play from the church tower. Participants include players of reed instruments too, so with shawms, crumhorns, sackbuts, cornetts, recorders, dulcians etc, we can mix up the instrumentation. There are also small group activities and, of course, there's usually a good social atmosphere! We start in the evening of 28th April in the church in Newark, Notts. with some large scale music followed by a pint or two, Saturday is playing all day rehearsing music for the 'performances' on Sunday. Sunday we play in the church, town hall and up the tower.

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