Oundle final details

Posted 06 October 2006 by Robert Sheldrake

I hope I find everybody well and raring to go this Sunday. I am so excited about the Eastern Area Trombone Day at Oundle School, especially after last year and hope you find as much enjoyment from the day as I know I will. Everyone who plays the trombone is welcome, so please invite every trombonist you know. This includes all trombonists, whether young or not so young for the third time. This day is for every trombonist! The emphasis once again on everyone getting involved playing their trombone, plus a fabulous line-up of artists to listen to. Headlining are Big Parade, Jazz Trombone Quintet led by Rick Taylor fresh from their ITA debut. We're very pleased to welcome the widely praised Black Dyke Trombone Quartet led by Brett Baker. Everyone is encouraged to get involved in the mass blows, led by Bob Hughes and Chris Fower and in addition Liam Kirkman will be leading a jazz workshop accompanied by professional rhythm section. And of course there is the BTS AGM at 6pm for anyone interested in having their say. The day will start with registration at 9:30am at the Great Hall, Oundle School, Oundle. The day is free to BTS Members (Please bring your BTS Membership card or have your BTS Membership number to hand), Non-Members who join the BTS on the day and persons under 16 (There is no age limit for BTS Members so please do not feel afraid to put your child forward for membership! We are dedicated to all trombonists whatever age, standard, height etc.!!). Non-BTS members over 16 years of age who do not wish to join on the day must pay a fee of ??10. Parking is in the car park at the Gascoigne Building which is the Music Department of Oundle School. Please do not park at the Great Hall as this is reserved for traders who have quite a lot of gear to shift. There will be a morning break (tea, coffee, water and squash will be provided), lunch break (lunch is not provided so please bring a packed lunch, or, if you fancy something more substantial there are two pubs within walking distance and other eateries that I will direct you to) and an afternoon break for you to talk amongst each other, speak to performers, speak to BTS representatives and trade stands in the Great Hall and the Arthur Marshall Room ??? opposite the Great Hall ??? to peruse. There are three stands at the moment, but I am in talks with two others who are hoping to make it but are waiting on staff levels as they both have stands else where in the country. Music, instruments and accessories will all be available so do not hesitate to bring pocket money (cheque books and credit cards are OK too); I already have mine stashed and ready to go. Even if you want to window shop, please feel free to look at the stands and speak to the traders as they are there for you and all your needs, questions and ideas. The day starts off at 10:00am sharp with two separate warm-ups and massed blows. The more challenging of the twp will be in the Great Hall downstairs, led and conducted by Bob Hughes, Professor of Bass Trombone at the Royal Academy of Muic and former bass trombonist with the Philharmonia and London Symphony orchestras. This is open to everybody, but can be a little bit tricky in some pieces. There is no age limit, so, if you fancy a challenge, whether you are young or not as young as you once were, this is the group for you! The less challenging of the two will be upstairs in the Cecil Lewis Room, led by Chris Fower, Hertfordshire Music Service Leader of Wider Opportunities, Faculty Leader in lower brass and Co-Director of Hertfordshire Youth Jazz Ensemble. Chris is also a well established freelance bass trombonist in professional big bands and West End shows. This is a much less demanding group, with a big emphasis towards younger players. Please do not be afraid to join in if you feel you would be happier in this group, you are never too old or young to have a go at anything you want to do! Big Parade, Jazz Trombone Quintet Trombonists: Rick Taylor, Jeremy Price/Dave Holt, Liam Kirkman, Martin Gladish; Bass Trombonist: Chris Fower and Rhythm Section: Gareth Williams on piano; Arnie Somogyi on Bass and Clark Tracey on Drums. Black Dyke Mills Band Trombone Section Trombonists: Brett Baker, Garry Reed; Bass Trombone: Adrian Hirst BTS East Anglia Trombone Day Attendee???s beginners Jazz Improvisation Workshop Liam Kirkman will lead, with some of the Big Parade trombonists, a beginner's jazz improvisation workshop. This will involve all of us with the backing of Big Parade's rhythm section. Like you, I do not know exactly what Liam and the boys have lined up, but I am very much looking forward to this. I am just hoping that everything goes according to plan and I do not have to run around at this stage. Unfortunately The Spitfire Quartet, who were advertised on the BTS website ??? www.britishtrombonesociety.org ??? as performing on Sunday, have unfortunately had to pull out due to unforeseen circumstances. They are very keen to perform for the BTS and they will appear at a later date. May I take this opportunity to congratulate them on their success at the International Trombone Festival in winning the Trombone Quartet Competition. At the end of the day at 6:00pm we will be holding the 2006 British Trombone Society Annual General Meeting. All members are most welcome ??? including people who join on the day ??? to help plan future activities, developments, and to consider the work of the BTS over the last year. Our performers and conductors for the day are not being paid to attend. The BTS and I are grateful to them for giving their time and passion to us for our enjoyment, learning and sheer pleasure! Big Parade are also putting on a full gig in The Ship Inn, Oundle, West Street (very good real ale!) in the Function Room at the back of the pub from 8:00pm to 11:00pm later the same evening.

Hot from their highly acclaimed reunion gig at the International Trombone Festival in Birmingham this summer, Big Parade, which was forged from the trombone section of the acclaimed Creative Jazz Orchestra, is once more on the road. Rick's accessible, eclectic and hugely listenable compositions are a tour de force for his jazz trombone ensemble and represent a melting pot of world music from Cajun to Celtic. The line up contains some of the most individual and exciting voices from the UK jazz trombone scene together with a simply extraordinary rhythm section.

Tickets for the evening are only ??8 each and are available throughout the day at the Great Hall (this money is to help pay for the rhythm section and travel expenses for the performers). The evening promises to be an amazing extension to the day. It is an amazing chance for us as BTS members and the general public to be able to go to a jazz gig outside of a city and pay an unbelievably low price as well. I heard them at the ITF and the quote is absolutely correct. Ben Bouzan // ' href='mailto:[email protected]'>[email protected] BTS East Anglia Representative

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