The Acrobat Challenge
Posted 05 April 2017 by Robert Sheldrake

Trombonists from all over the world are coming together to accept The Acrobat Challenge in support of Stephen’s Journey.
26-year-old musician, Stephen Sykes was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma in February 2016. He has since undergone six different chemotherapies, but none have been successful. His Consultants have concluded that he is now in a position where his only hope of reducing the cancer enough to be able to receive a life saving stem cell transplant, is to treat him with a new type of drug called a PD1 blocker.
Unfortunately, the cost of this drug is above the NHS funding threshold and Stephen’s family have been told they need to raise the funds required to purchase the treatment Stephen so urgently needs.
Stephen is a fantastic musician who wants to get back to planning his future.

"Whilst going through gruelling treatment last summer (2016) Stephen conducted on the Pyramid Stage at the Glastonbury Festival. Even though at the time he could barely eat anything, he was determined to fulfil his commitment and dream."
Jayne Murril of Bones Apart has initiated The Acrobat Challenge to raise funds and awareness for this fellow trombonist. This is a challenge for everyone. You are all invited to accept the challenge, upload your own snippet of John Greenwood’s ‘The Acrobat’ to Facebook and invite any brass players - or anyone - you to know to join you too.
Watch Jayne's introduction to this challenge here
Most importantly, please donate what you can to the cause. For more information and details of how to contribute, please visit Stephen's Go Fund Me page.
To see the wonderful attempts so far and view a copy of the music, please join the challenge's Facebook group.