The British Trombone Society Instrument Loan Scheme
Posted 09 May 2019 by Robert Sheldrake

The BTS is proud to announce that it now possesses three instruments (Conn 88H & Rath R400 F/Bb tenor and a Conn 62H bass) which are available to our members aged 25 and under.
The scheme is aimed at any member aged 25 and under (on 1st Jan 2019) whose current circumstances prevent the purchase of the type of instrument required by them. The three instruments listed above are available now and the BTS welcomes applications. The closing date for applications is 24th June with the recipients being notified no later than the 8th July.
Loans will be on a case-by-case basis, and for no longer than 12 months. Delivery or pickup of instruments will be on a case-by-case basis and any postage costs will be shared between the successful applicant and the BTS.
Potential borrowers are invited to apply for a loaned trombone and are required to supply details of their current financial situation. Applications will be dealt with in the strictest of confidence.