Trombone Days 2009
Posted 08 January 2009 by Robert Sheldrake

Did you catch the Vienna Philharmonic trombones' unique performance last year? Bones Apart playing their superb new arrangements? Brett Baker playing the best of the new solos? Enjoyed the camaraderie and golden sounds of a massed trombone choir? Last year’s BTS events were great, so don't miss out on 2009's! Make a note in your diaries now and check back on the BTS website for any updates.
Yorkshire - 21 February - Leeds Education Day – Trombone day featuring The Black Dyke Trombone Quartet and Leyland Trombone Quartet, performing winners of the BTS composers competition.Starts 9.30am. 21 February open to all. Entry: free to BTS members and those part of Leeds Music Service, others £5. Venue: The West Park Centre, Spen Lane, Leeds, LS16 5BE.
Northern Ireland - 22 February - Stephen Cairns is once again welcoming trombonists to Bann House, Portadown in Northern Ireland. Starting at 10.30am, the day will host special guests Jonas Bylund and the Trombone Choir of the Hannover Academy of Music.
Manchester - 22 February - RNCM trombone day – Ben van Dijk, Niels Ole Bo Johansen, Chris Houlding, RNCM Trombone Ensemble. Premieres by Ilja Reijngoud and Wayne Siegel. Massed trombone choir on a new Eric Crees piece. Admission free, but must pre-register with: Chris Houlding or write c/o RNCM 124 Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9RD. 3-6pm at the Lord Rhodes Room, RNCM.
Yorkshire - 14 March - Salvation Army Trombone Focus Day –workshops from 10am, concert 7pm. Black Dyke Trombone Quartet, Bob Hughes, Castleford Band. Venue: Salvation Army, Castleford. £2/£3
Wales - 22 March - Trombone day, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. Artists include Chris Thomas (Cory Band) the BBC NOW trombone section with an orchestral repertoire session. Massed trombone choir conducted by Bob Hughes. RWCMD tutors consisting of Roger Cutts, Brian Raby, Donal Bannister, Rob Goodhew, Chris Mowat and Kevin Price who have offered individual lessons. The RWCMD Sackbutt Quartet, the RWCMD Brass Band conducted by Bob Childs. BTS members free for day time activities or non-members for £15.The evening concert is a separate ticket and costs £5 for all-comers.
East Midlands - 28 March - BTS Trombone Day, Oakfield Primary in Rugby, Warwickshire. Starts 9.30am. In Rugby BTS East Midlands representative Jim Newberry is hosting an event including Artists include, Brett Baker (Black Dyke) on new repertoire, Chris Jeans (GUS Band) with junior players, Jeremy Price (Head of Jazz, Birmingham Conservatoire) on a jazz workshop and Tone Howe (CBSO) will run a masterclass. BTS members free, others £10.
Yorkshire - 31 May from 9:30am - Composer's Forum Day at Black Dyke Band Festival, Leeds Metropolitan University, Headingley Campus. Featuring winners of BTS composers competition and commissions by Brett Baker and the Black Dyke Band. Massed blow led by Bob Hughes.
Scotland - 7 June - Chris Stearn is involving both school-aged children along with more traditional trombone day fare. The afternoon will involve performances from students, Q&A with RSAMD tutors, massed blow and the trombone featured in an evening concert with the Scottish National Wind Orchestra. Venue: RSAMD, Glasgow.
London - 21 June TBC - Hopefully this date will be confirmed and Bob Hughes can welcome us back to the Royal Academy of Music. This trombone day is likely to feature some famous trombonists from America and London plus the RAM trombone choir.
Later in the year:
North-East - 5 July - Brett Baker is brewing a new trombone day at Durham University, at the 'Brass' festival.
East - 3-4 October - Oundle School: Saturday Jazz, Sunday Trombone Day & BTS AGM
North-West - 5 December - Trombone Solo & Quartet competition
Check the BTS website for the latest information on all these events.
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